Dry Needling Therapy

Benefits, Methods, and More.

When to Start Dry Needling Therapy.

Dry needling therapy is a technique where therapists use thin needles to target trigger points in your body. By inserting needles into these trigger points, therapists can help to release muscle tension and reduce pain. 

It is a fantastic treatment option for when patients are experiencing chronic pain, and can provide long-term results after consistent sessions. We generally recommend dry needling for patients who experience:


Benefits of Dry Needling Therapy.

Our therapists use dry needling as part of their comprehensive and personalized treatment plans. During treatments, our goal is to improve your range of motion, increase blood flow, and reduce pain.

No matter your goals, Our therapists take the time to understand your individual needs and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you reach your goals.

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What To Expect From Therapy.

Dry needling therapy can provide relief for several injuries and conditions. Before we start, our therapists will develop a plan that best addresses your needs and will walk you through what to expect during your treatment.

Comprehensive Consultations

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Multiple Sessions

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Range-of-Motion Exercises

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